AXA Insurance Boosts Self-Service with
Conversational AI

Using Conversational AI technology, AXA Turkey developed the AXA Bot, a cutting-edge self-service bot to serve its customers. The bot offers seamless and quick service on a 24/7 basis through the customers’ preferred digital channels, providing an improved experience. In addition to enhancing customer satisfaction, AXA Bot also drives efficiency by cutting operational costs by decreasing the need for live agents.

AXA Insurance Boosts Self-Service with Conversational AI

The Results

  • 90%

    Customers served by AXA Bot instead of live agents

  • 32%

    Inquiries submitted during out-of-working hours handled by AXA Bot

  • 300 hrs

    Agent time saved every month


Sestek’s data-driven analysis helped us understand customer needs better and create the most accurate customer experience in a way that improves processes and ensures quality.

AXA Turkey

The Challenge

AXA Turkey aimed to enhance customer experience by increasing automation of the self-service process. They needed a solution that was accessible 24/7 and let customers self-serve via their preferred channel with almost zero waiting time. The solution also aimed to cut operational costs by performing tasks in digital channels instead of expensive call center channel.


The Solution

AXA Turkey utilized Sestek’s virtual agent technology to create the AXA Bot, providing customers with automated self-service. With the use of Conversational AI, customers were able to self-serve 24/7 by interacting with the bot as if it were a live agent. This enhanced the customer experience by offering faster and easier access to services. Furthermore, the shift towards digital channels improved efficiency and reduced call center operational costs. The solution currently serves on the website, and soon to be deployed on the WhatsApp channel.


Knovvu Virtual Agent

With 100% in-house developed Speech Recognition (SR) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technologies, Knovvu Virtual Agent understands customer intent and responds without the need for live agents. Our market-leading speech recognition accuracy rate enables Knovvu Virtual Agent to effectively automate simple tasks, help increase self-service and decrease costs for customer service operations.

See Product Details

AXA Turkey

AXA Turkey, also known as AXA Sigorta, is a premier insurance company in Turkey. With 9 regional and 3 representative offices across Turkey and Cyprus, a headquarters in Istanbul, and almost 1,000 employees, AXA Turkey operates with a strong presence. Today, 50 million individuals and commercial enterprises around the world trust AXA to protect their families, employees, and assets, as well as manage their personal and commercial wealth.


Keep Exploring

  • Groupama Case Study
  • Vakıfbank Case Study
  • Kuveyt Türk Case Study


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