Cost Savings Estimate with Conversational IVR

This calculator automatically calculates your estimated cost savings when you integrate Conversational IVR technology into your contact center. Please fill in the below necessary fields according to your current call center metrics to see your monthly and yearly savings.

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Calculator Glossary

Number of Agents
Number of agents responsible for customer inquiries

Average Monthly Cost of Agent
The average monthly salary of an agent

Percentage of Calls Handled by Legacy IVR
Percantage of calls handled by standart, touch-dial IVR without need of live agent

Increase in Calls Handled after Conversational IVR
According to actual customer testimonials, the increase in calls handled by Conversational IVR after implementation

New Percentage of Calls Handled by Conversational IVR
The percentage of calls handled by Conversational IVR without need of live agent

Monthly Saving after Conversational IVR
Total agent cost multiplied by increase of calls handled after Conversational IVR

Annual Saving after Conversational IVR
Monthly savings multiplied by 12 months.

Saving in FTE
Monthly savings divided by monthly agent salary.

  • Improved Experience

    Powered by natural language processing (NLP) and speech recognition (SR) technologies, Conversational IVR can understand customer needs and intents, fostering a natural dialog for improved experience.

  • Decreased Hang Up Rates

    When customers interact with smart technologies, processes streamline towards solution without the need of live agent assistance. For contact centers this means a decrease in hang up rates in IVR.

  • Shortened Call Durations

    Conversational IVR presents the shortest route to resolution. Without having to listen to the complete IVR menu, customers are directed towards the necessary information fast and easily.

Our Customers

Global Brands Trusting Knovvu Technologies


Knovvu Virtual Agent

With 100% in-house developed Speech Recognition (SR) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU) technologies, Knovvu Virtual Agent understands customer intent and responds without the need for live agents. Our market-leading speech recognition accuracy rate enables Knovvu Virtual Agent to effectively automate simple tasks, help increase self-service and decrease costs for customer service operations.

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Let’s go into detail on how Knovvu’s conversational solutions can improve your agent and customer experience

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