Cost Savings Estimate with Speech Analytics

This calculator automatically calculates your estimated cost savings when you integrate Speech Analytics technology into your contact center interaction analytics process. Please fill in the below necessary fields according to your current call center metrics to see your monthly and yearly savings.

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Calculator Glossary

Number of Agents
Number of agents responsible for inbound calls. 

Cost per Agent
Average monthly salary of agent.

Total Calls Handled
Total monthly inbound calls received. 

Total Cost of Agents
Total monthly salary paid to agents.

Cost per Call
Total agent salary divided by total calls.

Decrease in Average Handling Time by Speech Analytics
Based on actual customer testimonials, speech analytics decrease average handling time by 10% by improving silence rates, agent interruptions and responsiveness.

Cost per Call After Speech Analytics
Cost per call decreased by 10%. 

Monthly Saving with Speech Analytics
New cost of calls multiplied by total number of calls. 

Annual Saving with Speech Analytics
Monthly savings multiplied by 12 months. 

Saving in FTE
Monthly savings divided by monthly agent salary.

  • Pinpoint Root Causes

    Using statistical comparison tool, granular differences between top-performing agents and others can be identified instantly.

  • Elevate Quality Management

    Script adherence, acoustic indicators and sentimental features can be monitored automatically. So that supervisors can have full visibility of agent performance for objective feedback.

  • Act in Real Time

    Knovvu Analytics present real-time sentiment analysis, real-time notifications to supervisors and real-time triggers for API actions.

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Knovvu Analytics

Knovvu Analytics collect 100% of customer interaction data at customer service channels and convert it into meaningful information for decision-makers. The solution provides critical insights to understand customers better and help to improve their experiences. Equipped with advanced quality management tools, Knovvu Analytics enable supervisors to objectively score and maximize agent performance with tangible feedback.

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