Start a new chapter in customer service with enterprise-level AI solutions — offering stable, secure and smart customer engagements across voice, text, and video channels, with a 97% speech recognition accuracy rate.
Instead of the old touch-tone IVR experience, Conversational IVR understands customers correctly and guides them towards the fastest resolution, delivering AI-first customer experience.
DiscoverUsing the WhatsApp channel for customer service allows businesses to provide instant replies and chatbots for 24/7 engagement, ensuring immediate responses to inquiries beyond working hours.
DiscoverVoice biometrics technology can authenticate customers and identify fraudsters in seconds using their most unique feature: their voice.
When you automate customer service tasks with AI, you can respond to customer inquiries around the clock. This improves customer experience and saves the most valuable asset in customer service: Agent time.
Discover Knovvu Virtual AgentKnovvu Biometrics provides real-time authentication that is language, accent and content independent. Within a matter of seconds, you can authorize customers using unique features of their voice that cannot be replicated.
Discover Knovvu BiometricsOur market-leading speech recognition accuracy rate provides deeper analysis, more actionable insights and better results for your business.
Discover Knovvu Speech RecognitionDeliver human-like and personalized experiences to your customers and improve their conversational journeys.
Discover Knovvu Text-to-SpeechLet’s go into detail on how Knovvu’s conversational solutions can improve your agent and customer experience.